Entain’s Women in Power

In April 2022, the Women in Power initiative launched at Entain’s Gibraltar office, creating a safe and empowering space for women to connect, share ideas, and gain skills to advance their careers. Since its inception, it has evolved into the Women Entain Network, a global platform for networking and professional growth.

As the Design Lead, I had the privilege of supporting the creative direction for this empowering initiative, working closely with our Design Lead and Senior Designer to collaborate on a range of creative aspects. Together, we crafted a bold and cohesive visual identity that truly reflected the initiative’s mission. My contributions included developing the identity and branding materials such as banners, lanyards, cubes, logo signage, internal communications, and more.

Our approach to the visual identity was to strike the perfect balance between professionalism and boldness. We chose photography over illustration, ensuring the imagery felt realistic and relatable. The modern colour palette helped elevate the brand, blending corporate cool with softer, more fluid textures like marbled effects that symbolise adaptability and growth. The dynamic colour overlays brought energy to the visuals, emphasising impact over subtlety.

This cohesive branding extended across various touchpoints, helping Women in Power create a memorable and inspiring visual presence across the event and internal communications. From impactful workshop themes such as Presenting Confidently and Knowing Your Superpowers to the highly anticipated Women in Power Live event, the branding aligned perfectly with the initiative’s goal of supporting women in owning and progressing their careers.

The result was a brand identity that felt strong, bold, and authentically feminine, empowering women to connect, grow, and make their voices heard.


Destinni Travels | Logo and Visual Identity Design


Be The Other | Art Direction